Saturday 26 April 2014

Ideal Writing Space

How can you write your blogs, articles, stories at ease? There are many factors to consider on how you can write with ease.

First: The environment. Of course you need a clean and peaceful environment in order to concentrate on your writing.

Second: The atmosphere. Your room should attract positive energy and not the other way around. It should be at least a decent place to write. If your space is pretty crowded then move! It will just distract you.

Third: A chair and a table. How can you write when you don’t have any chair or table? You badly need those. The chair must be comfy enough for your own good. Not to mention the back pain with long hours of writing. It must be stretchable so you can lie down and relax as you think what to write. And the table? It must be large enough to fit all your stuffs. Your laptop should fit there since that’s where you put all your articles and stuffs. And any other materials you used in writing. It’s pretty disturbing when all your stuffs are gathered around a tiny-bitsy table, so messed up. You could get a bigger one!

How I wish I have my own chair and table that I can call mine. It’s one of my frustration.  

Fourth: Your very own laptop. Or if you prefer a desktop then go ahead, it’s just too big though but never mind.

Fifth: Other materials you used in writing. Just some random stuffs like sticky notes, sets of ball pen and pencil if you prefer handwritten articles. Bunch of papers. I love papers and stuff. I don’t know why. What else? Paperclips, stapler, tape. Just stuffs that might be helpful on your work.

Sixth: Printer. Yeah baby.. You should have your own printer so you can make hard copies of your works. It's pretty hassle when you have to go to computer shops just to print a piece of paper.

Seventh: Book shelves. I am a bookworm! So I would love to have at least a mini book shelves right beside my table. It will help me save time to go through my drawer and get my favorite book. It just look heaven to my eyes.

So what is your ideal writing space? Mine?

Hmm, let’s see. I want something cute and fancy but still simple. I don’t like a room that has too much decorations on it. Just a little is okay, in fact it is much better. And of course those things that I mentioned above… I badly want those in my writing space.

My imagination goes like this:

Too Girly, right? nuhh

How about this one?

So yeah, welcome to dreamland!

Your's Truly, BrotherAce

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