Friday 6 June 2014

If I Won

So I received a text last Monday about winning a cash price I know nothing about. It’s Php950,000.00. Saying that my cellphone number won. But seriously? I think it’s just a scam. Well, it must be a scam!

Here it is.

Yeah, baby. It's almost a million. $_$ If ever this is true then I'm freaking rich but naaah. I'm not buying this. So why do I write a blog about this absurd text I just received?

I want to ask if there are people out there who also received this kind of text? There are? Probably. 

This just keeps me wondering. If you won that kind of money what would you do? Buy things you desire the most? A car? Lots of gadgets? Bags, accessories? or have a vacation on an island or to any country you like? 

Me? What would I do? Hmm. Let me think.

First of, I would like to treat myself by buying the things that I like. But not just luxuries, it's rather expensive, just the things that I need then give some to my family. And of course donate some for charity. I want to help those people in need. It's one of my dream. 

I used to tell myself that once I have a successful career and a stable financial status. I want to share it to other people who are less fortunate. I want to build a foundation and raise funds for them.